We’ve Moved

We’re excited to announce that the Soto HQ has moved to a new office at a very trendy new place called… PODVILLE. We’re sad to say goodbye to the Paintworks office – it served us well and we made some great memories (and websites) there. Although we think the new place is going to be just as great especially as we continue to grow.

For all our clients: we’re now very accessible and nestled between two big motorways (M5 & M4) north of Bristol to avoid any inner-city traffic. We can’t wait for you all to come and visit the new space.

Thanks to everyone who helped with the move and to the builders who have built such fantastic, snazzy, high-spec office space for us to begin the next chapter in our history- Soto HQ 2.0.


Moving Day
Moving Day


Pop in and say hi…

3, Podville
Great Park Road
BS32 4RU
