Putting the Customer at the Heart of Everything

A Soto Client Success Story

The global health crisis taught us a lot of lessons. But most of all, it taught us that the things that many of us believed were essential to success – like full offices – weren’t all that important. Instead, the pandemic highlighted the real superstars that are key to keeping a business thriving: customers.

What’s a business without customers? An expensive hobby!

And so we need to make sure that we’re looking after our customers. That we’re giving them incredible experiences. That we’re providing seamless buying journeys that leave them satisfied.

At Soto, we believe success comes from putting the customer at the heart of everything. We know many other organisations feel exactly the same. The problem, however, is that it’s not always easy. That’s why we were asked to lend a helping hand to Scottish textile specialist Araminta Campbell.

Delivering smoother online experiences

Araminta Campbell had already had an absolutely stunning website designed and developed by another agency. On the surface, it did exactly what it was supposed to: it showed off the luxurious handwoven accessories and traditional Scottish craftsmanship the company was renowned for. Behind the scenes, however, the website wasn’t working in the way the team had envisioned.

“We used a web developer and hosting company to create a beautiful website, but the backend platform was not right for us. It had a poor checkout process that was costing us sales.”

The customer journey – from awareness to consideration to decision – was disjointed, meaning that users were not able to easily transition through the funnel. This wasn’t in keeping with the Araminta Campbell brand. The company is known for their exclusive shopping experiences at their atelier on the outskirts of Edinburgh, and they needed to offer fantastic shopping experiences online, too.

Enter Soto.

By a stroke of luck – or perhaps even fate – we’d previously worked on a project with a marketing consultant who had later been contracted by Araminta Campbell. Knowing that we were the right team for the task at hand, they asked us to rebuild the site from scratch. The aim was to maintain the look and feel of the existing site, while improving the user journey to deliver better, smoother experiences.

We started off with a discovery call. We wanted to learn more about Araminta Campbell’s customers, and really try to put ourselves in their shoes. What’s important to them? What do they expect? What do they need? What do they want? Thinking like a customer, we identified three vital tasks:

  • Content reorganisation, to guide customers along their journey more naturally
  • Checkout process redesign, making it easier for customers to purchase their favourite products
  • Migration to WordPress, allowing the team to manage their website with more confidence

A new customer-centric website

Within three months – much of which was spent obtaining data and migrating content from the previous agency – Araminta Campbell had a new website, built specifically for their customers. The improved checkout experience immediately started driving more orders for the organisation. Let’s give them the last word…

Soto are highly recommended. They’re realistic, affordable, responsive, and easy to work with. They were the natural choice for us, experienced in working with WordPress, Stripe, Vimeo, and all the other systems we wanted to work with. Our platform is now much more stable, and easy to manage”.