More Business-Friendly Changes to Facebook

facebook-vs-google-advertisingLast week we brought you news of Facebook partnering with Shutterstock to provide free images for adverts, and this week they have announced on their business blog that they are making it easier for businesses that run competitions through the social media website.

Previously competitions could only be run through Facebook apps like ShortStack or Fanzilla. Now, you have the choice of administering competitions though one of those apps or directly on the timeline.  This allows businesses to collect contest entries by having users message the Page, post on the Page or like and comment on a Page post.

Another very nice touch is that if a business wants to launch a contest based on the number of likes a post receives, it can do so directly on its Page, without requiring a third-party app.

The update also includes more stringent rule on tagging; “Our Pages Terms now prohibit Pages from tagging or encouraging people to tag themselves in content that they are not actually depicted in”.

What do you think about this latest update?  Help or hindrance to businesses and users alike?
